Friday, February 19, 2010


Welcome to The Craft Map. We are so excited you are here. Beginning a new adventure always comes with a variety of emotions. Growing through the idea stage, and actually implementing the ideas and getting everything to work was an exercise in patience. So, here we are, releasing our baby to the public and waiting with baited breath to see how we are received - welcome to our unveiling! Your participation will let us know that our idea was a good one in which we can grow upon and add additional functions as we age.

Take a look around, enter your information to be added to the map (use the "join the map" link in the black bar at the top of the page or follow this link), visit other crafters, find others that do similar work, and find crafters in your area; basically use this site. We intended The Craft Map as a way to connect people and crafts together. If you think of another way in which we can support you or if you have an idea to better our site, please feel free to contact us and let us know acrafter@i(dot)am

Thanks for visiting, and if you haven't noticed, we are glad you are here! Welcome.

Many Thanks to Bargain Briana for the original concept of The Frugal Map and allowing us to build upon a great idea.


  1. Love this thought, the map never did come up, just kept giving me that waiting circle.... will check back and following along !

  2. What a GREAT idea!! Thank you for inviting me!!
    Once I have caught up on my blogging feature promises, I will contact you to promote your site!!
    Thank you,
    From By Your Side

  3. Nice idea but as usual the map shows the ?world
    with only a half continent. Do you think all other poeple has only left hands or nothing to say?

  4. What a GREAT idea. May your site grow and prosper! I can't seem to find any place to enter my information to be considered to being added to the map. I thought there would be a form or something but I can't seem to find one, so I'm putting it here.

    As soon as I figure out if I did this correctly I will try to figure out how to put your button on my site.

    Anita Brandon
    Melody O'Beau Designs
    Cottonwood AZ USA

  5. How do I add my info to the map?
    Im in Louisiana :)

    Very cool site idea!

  6. The idea sounds great, but I would feel a lot more comfortable contributing to this site if you share something about yourself. Who are you guys? Show us a name or a face please!

  7. Ansie, thank you for your comment. If you look to our sister sites you will see additional information about me. I don't want The Craft Map to be about me but rather a site to promote others craft businesses.

    If anyone is uncomfortable about this, please contact me directly, I am happy to answer your questions.


  8. Hi
    Thanks for having a place where we can easily share!! And thanks for inviting me to join in. Your site looks great!
    Kristen Powers Ink

  9. This is an amazing idea! I even found a blog from my country, this is so great!
    I added my blog through the submission form.
